November 3, 2009

Tuesday Toss

Tuxie Tabby and Orange Tabby face off ---sorta---
aka My Uncle MaxMaxx and Perry-
Strive for window domination...
Where IS the love?


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Noir, I love your name!
Parlez vous Francaise?
Strive for window domination? hehe, that's an ongoing war.
Love ya.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

No parle pas. I'm the darker tabby of my brother. When we were born, Tommy couldn't tell us apart. She just called me "Dark Kitty"--then she realized, "Noir" for dark or black. My brother is Earl Gray--because, well, he's gray! Thanks for stopping by!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You need a bigger window!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Perhaps you need more windows or a bigger one...

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

HA!HA! We got lots of windows--I think cuz Tommy was at the PC the two alpha cats had to stake a claim.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MOL....we each have places that are special to us and the other knows to stay away from!!!!


One Cats Nip said...

no windows sharings?!

JC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JC said...

My fingers weren't working ... meaning .. a cat was helping me type

2nd try ...

My Purr Gang fight over who gets the coveted bird TV spot ... normally it is Riley but every blue moon Al will be there and I think .. good for you old man.

Anonymous said...

Once window sills are involved, there's NO rules...

The Island Cats said...

We fight over the window too...sometimes we call a truce and end up sharing it....

My Mind's Eye said...

You two are hilarious!!! window domination...Madi will have to remember that one when her sis's kitty comes to visit.
Yep our sign is up...CSI Madi will go back undercover for now.
Madi and Mom

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

NO truce in this house...! Everybody can have their own window---but it seems whereever Tommy goes....

Cats in trees said...

When it comes down to it, it is important that every cat knows it's place. Here, Dushi is king and he is ruled by queen Paddy, who has to bow to empress Briti.

Catline Crew said...

Whoever stands their ground gets the window. So sometimes we end up sharing.

Sachi & Miko

Raymond and Busby said...

I call my brother Fatboy too!

Purrs, Raymond

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We often share the window that looks out at the bird feeders, but I prefer the window that looks out to the greenhouse because it is beside the computer. That means mum is often there.

Jasmim said...

very funny !!!

We're doing a raffle on the blog to celebrate our my future 200th. Then go there to check =)

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

It's 6:20pm as I type this. And the sky is so pitch dark. Why does it get so dark so early? Tommy did something with the clocks last weekend-and now THIS! But ya know, Mommy is in one of the bedroom windows--looking at what, I dunno--think I'll go find out!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Jack defends his certain territories too. Baby doesn't even try to get on the bed any more. Perry has to keep Uncle Max in line.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Perry does rule the house. He's the only one that curls on Tommy's shoulder..and well, the windows...yea, Perry's the king!

Teddy Bear said...

Did Perry share the window sill with you?

Teddy Bear

The Monkeys said...

Perry's showing his cattitude again!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Perry didn't share the window. I'm surprised he shares the air we all need to is right...! :)

GLOGIRLY said...

That's what I love about being an only cat. ALL the great spots are MINE...ALL MINE!!!

Glogirly says I probably wouldn't be very good at sharing.


Quill and Greyson said...

Heh Heh window domination.

Sultan said...

My felines chat exclusively about food.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Uncle MaxMaxx is quite exclusive about his food. I wait for him to head to the KFC and take both crispy and original...

Lorenza said...

Yes, a bigger window would be pawesome!
Kisses and hugs