Yea, that's what ME and my Uncle MaxMaxx
Are doin' on this Saturday-
Since Tommy hogs the PC messin' with Facebook
And Twitter tweetin, while I have blogs to visit
And Uncle wants to surf for cat food coupons--
So a top this paper piled high desk we WAIT-
Ya know, a little bonfire could be built from these papers, during
Our eternal wait, to roast the best hot dogs ever...
Aww poor things, just give em the ol heave ho. You just gotta blog
aw, poor cats !
Sometimes I have to wait for Busby to finish eating so I can lick his bowl in case he leaves any morsels of food.
I don't like to wait!
Purrs, Raymond
Maybe she want take all day with her stuff.
That is a very cute photo ...
Bunny kick all those papers out of the way, that will make them notice.. Hugs GJ x
It's not fair that you have to wait to use the computer. What makes Beans think they should get priority anyway? dogs sound good!
Twittering tweetin' Tommy, give the cats some blogging time.
It will make them happy, and we don't have to rhyme..
Tommy moved. She does take up alot of time. I'm glad you guy stopped by and gave some support--maybe the humans will get a clue! :)
Just because cats are patient, your Tommy seems to think your patience is unlimited -- but it is NOT.
Put that waiting time to good use, you two. Think up ways to make the human *pay*!
Mmmmmm Hot Dogs......
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