My Brother Earl Gray and Mommy--
Tommy tried to get a photo of Brother yawning--
Brother yawned 3 times. 3 times Tommy failed.
HUMANS. Why a photo of a yawn anyway?
Hmm. Maybe to prove how good lookin' we cats are
At ANY turn!
That puts Tommy back to being a SMART human -again-
Anyhoo, Brother Earl Gray rests while our bestest girl looks on.
Not bad for a Monday-
For Brother Earl Gray to pose with the one who made sure
His man cat-ness even arrived to begin with! :)
Very sweet! I'll second that - Cats are good lookin' at any turn!
~Lisa Co9T
Our mom tries to get photos of us yawning too, but she's not quick enough.
Oh my word Noir my mom is worrying me to death about a yawning pictures too. Would you believe she yawns in my face...she says when humans yawn others will yawn...I told her I was way to smart to fall for that one.
You all stand your ground there.
Madi and Mom
Mom catches me yawning all the time! She says its because I do it too much.
You guys look comfy and cute for a Monday!
Nice to know I am not alone! Humans--and they they THINK we oughta do.....
Have a GREAT day!
My mom tries to get pictures of me in every way
Those Moms are funny with those silly cameras.
Happy Monday!
You got to have a couple of cups of coffee if you are attempting a yawn pic!
Those flashy things are too slow for us if we deem we don't want our pics taken. :) Our bean probably takes 30 pics before we allow her to get one good pic of us..... :)
I hate it when they catch me yawning. For some reason they think it is cute...
Your Mommy is so good to you! Those too look so comfy.
Looks like he's making mommy proud!
Mommy looks like she's keeping an eye on Earl Gray!
Ha! Mommy always seems to have an eye on us--whether we like it or not!! I guess that is a mommy thing... :)
Yes, mummys are very good about keeping an eye on us aren't they!
Yes we look good doing anything!
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