March 12, 2011

Saturday Star

That's my Mommy-a so bright, kit kat kinda STAR!
...and cuz of that, Mommy licks whip cream remnants of the
Starbucks beverage Tommy slurped on- 
The Dallas temp is over 70 degrees, so
Tommy says that justifies the
Mocha frappucino beverages with whip cream...
Hmm. Really?
Do your humans 'justify' stuff like that?


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Rumblemum NEVER shares hers with me... I should visit you guys!!

Old Kitty said...

Tommy and Sweet Mommy deserve lots and lots of mocah frappucino with extra whipped cream just for being lovely!! Yay!! take care

Mr Puddy said...

Interesting ! Noir's Mommy have Macha with Whip Cream !
Hope your tummy can handle well.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Humans can justify anything they take a shine to.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

How lucky you are to get shared with!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We don't understand humans having to justify stuff, either!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That looks very yummy!

Katnip Lounge said...

Whipped cream NEVER needs justification!


Noir the Texas Tabby said...

I gotta tell ya, Tommy doesn't let us have chocolate stuff. She's read it can make us sick---it's the whipped cream she lets Mommy lick off the straw. It's dairy--yea, yet the little bit doesn't seem to hurt Mommy--a SuperKitty she is!!


Forty Paws said...

Anything justifies Starbucks!

Luf, Us

Sparkle said...

My terrible human always gets her Fraps WITHOUT the whipped cream! The nerve of her!

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

Hey there everyone--Tommy here. On this whole whipped cream thing--I've got the Starbucks withOUT the whipped cream. Less calories, which is good. Yet less fun. So a chocolate chip cookie is needed to offset. :)

Thanks for all your support!
