April 4, 2011

Man Cat Mommy Monday

Mommy keeps Tommy company during school work time
which I don't get cuz Tommy is OFF from her job all week!
Tommy keeps yammerin' something  bout her
Birthday later this week. Hmm. Well, it's not MY birthday-
So let's just move on...
See the pretty picture of the lady in hat on the right of MY blog?
Tommy is part of neat thing for men and women humans
Who's Mommys are in Heaven-.
It's called Remembering Mom luncheon and held the
Day before Mother's Day here in Dallas.
Humans get together to remember and be with others that know
What it's like. I know I'm blessed to still have my Mommy -
And I know sometimes Tommy is sad cause hers in Heaven.
Remembering Mom makes Tommy and others not feel so sad-
So if you're interested or know somebody that could be
Just click on the pretty picture of the lady in the hat--
In the meantime, I'm gonna curl up to my Mommy
And maybe bite Tommy's fingers....


Katnip Lounge said...

That is a wonderful thing for your Tommy to belong to! Our Mommy still has her Mom, for which she'd very thankful.
The picture of you and your sibs at the milk bar is so sweet!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww what a wonderful way to remember mums!!! Me and Charlie hope Tommy finds comfort and peace with this great event! Yay!

Awwww we love the pic of Sweet Mommy with her adorable babies!!! Yay! Take care

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Milk bar??? I love IT! Mommy says we had little claws by then--they hurt--yet she let us keep onn drinking!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

eeks! I did a typo...should be 'on'...not 'onn'..

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh that is a marvelous shot of Sweet Mommy!

Sparkle said...

I haven't seen my mother since I was four months old! I hear she has retired from parenthood and is enjoying retirement with a nice family of humans.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That sounds like a great way to remember human Moms. That is about the year mark since our Mom lost hers!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Mommy says she can't believe we were that small--and so was she. Tommy can't believe it's almost been 4 years. I can't believe I'm not on my own box of cat food! :)


Spring said...

That is very sweet. I love your children, err kittens. ;)