May 8, 2011

Sunday Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day
to all of the Mommies out there--
From kitties, puppies, humans and inbetween--
Thank you for raising us
So we can finally look after YOU!
 Tommy as a nine week old kitten with her Mommy. Hey that's the same age as ME, in my itty bitty kitty photo  with my sweet Mommy!
If you kinda wanna, click here: Tommy's blog (to just see her blog, just for this ONE time ---you gotta come back to MINE!) to see what Tommy wrote bout
her Mommy on this very special day...
Enjoy and purr extra loud, Mommies like that :)


Katnip Lounge said...

We're wishing your Mom a Happy Mommy Day from MomKat Trish and the crew at the Katnip Lounge!
Now, we're popping over to see Tommy's Mom post...

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww!!! Happy Mother's Day to your beautiful mum, Handsome Noir!! And hugs to Tommy too!! You are both adorable kitties with your sweet mums!! Yay! Take care

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Mother's Day to your mum. She was a cute little kitten.

Mr Puddy said...

Happy Mommy's Day !!!!
I hope you have a purrfect time with your mommy
Special Kiss and Hug from me

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We stopped by Tommy's page. She is a beautiful woman, through and through.

Happy Mother's Day to Mommy and Tommy!

Sparkle said...

Happy Mother's Day to your human. My human had a lifetime of unfixable emotional estrangement from her mother, so Mother's Day has always been a holiday that left her feeling on the outside looking in.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Hello Everyone! Thanks much for stopping by--and Happy MOther's Day to you. And to those that may have trouble on this day--I'm sending you the biggest, loudest purrs I got---!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Mother's Day to Tommy!! And to Mommy!!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Mother' Day to your Mommy, and to Tommy! We will go read about her Mommy now. :)

Quill and Greyson said...

Happy Mother's Day!!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We just love that picture of Tommy as a kitten! Happy Mother's Day to all of you!

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

Hey there aeveryone--Tommy here! The Cat (that's Noir to you) just ran underneath my bed, so I have a few minutes :) I just wanted to THANK YOU for commenting here, and for visiting my blog. Noir wants it to be all about him...What is it with cats..:) Thanks YOU and hope your Sunday and Mother's Day was grand!
