Thanksgiving can last several days around here, too.
The smells and tastes of Thanksgiving do have a way of lingering....
Awww Brother Earl Gray looks so cute! Take carex
We can't think of anything better to dream about.
Time for Tommy to warm up some leftovers!
The turkey my human brought home was over and done with in about five minutes on Friday! We kitties are feeling vaguely dissatisfied.
Yeah, we're still having turkey dreams too.
Thanksgiving is a state of mind!
Another turkey day is just round the corner....
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Thanksgiving can last several days around here, too.
The smells and tastes of Thanksgiving do have a way of lingering....
Awww Brother Earl Gray looks so cute! Take care
We can't think of anything better to dream about.
Time for Tommy to warm up some leftovers!
The turkey my human brought home was over and done with in about five minutes on Friday! We kitties are feeling vaguely dissatisfied.
Yeah, we're still having turkey dreams too.
Thanksgiving is a state of mind!
Another turkey day is just round the corner....
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