February 28, 2012

In The House...

Look what Tommy brought in last night:
Once Tommy figured out how to work the cage thingy
In less that five minutes Mooch was had!
Ain't real sure how Mommy feels, 
She growled and all-yet
The rest of us peaked in for minute,
Ate Mooch's food and left.
Tommy let Mooch stay in a room 
All by her lonesome-for now.
Hope Mooch thinks that room was better than that cold shed..
Stay tuned...


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Yeah for Tommy! We hope Mooch is happy and well!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww wow! WOW!!! Mooch!! You sweetheart! Awww yay for Tommy!! Mooch'll be ok - she's safe now! Sweet Mommy was just telling Mooch she's Alpha female cat there! LOL! Yay!! Aww this is really nice to see!

Take care

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Good luck to Mooch.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Mooch did eat some food Tommy left for her....don't know how happy Mooch is....she did have a home somewhere. But was in our yard and shed more than not.

Team Tabby said...

Better to be nice and warm inside, Mooch!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Tommy got home and Mooch is under the desk..there's enough room under the bottom shelf. I kinda wanna her to come out....kinda wanna...


Sparkle said...

Mooch does NOT look happy to be inside... but I am sure she will learn!

The Island Cats said...

Yay for Tommy! And Mooch!! Now you guys be nice, okay??