March 2, 2010

Tabby Tough Talk

Perry, do you like me at ALL? 
Perry, will you and me ever be chums?
Perry, do you think I'll every be a big ol' man cat like you?
Only if you're lucky.
C'mon Perry, can't we try to be buds?
No we canNOT. Kid, if you don't hush, I'll bite  your tail so you'll go runnin' off to your Mom!

But Perry...
But nothin' Kid. I gotta nooze.

I like you Perry. I wish you liked me too...


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ohhh, that just breaks our mummy's heart!! You try so hard to be loving cuddle boy!!

Old Kitty said...

Dear Noir

I have three lil words for you that may help.

Jedi. Mind. Trick.

It works on mummy Tommy sometimes so it might work on grumpy ol mancat Perry.

I must admit this is the first time I've seen Perry. He looks so cute and much too ginger to be a grumpy puss. Maybe he needs a great big cuddle and a huddle to get him purring sweet nothings..

Good luck! I for one will be hiding behind my human when you do all these things to him...


Take care

The Creek Cats said...

Maybe Perry will come around one day, Noir.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Perry will be close to Daddy Peyton--gives him ear washes and such. But the rest of us..Perry has always been a cranky ol sour puss--but then there's times he does go all around us...but...*sigh*

Kea said...

Aw, that breaks our human's heart too. Of course, Annie still hates Nicki, even after three years, so sometimes we just never warm up to each other. :-(

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Mommy says to not have your human's hearts be broke. Mommy says Perry really does like it--just shows us in different ways--cuz if Perry REALLY didn't like me-he wouldn't even let me this close to him to maybe....

My Mind's Eye said...

Noir...Perry is just JEALOUS...of your young age and spunk...hang in there!!! Madi and Mom

The Kitty Krew said...

Awww, that's so sad. But Noir, that last thing you said in the comments - that's just what we were thinking. If Perry didn't like you at ALL, he would chase you off from laying near him. So he really does like you some. :) But you may have to just settle for that.

Purrs and hugs and enjoy the sun!
The Kitty Krew

PS - Tell Tommy that The Mommy will email her later about The Author!

Lisa Kolosey said...

Ha! Grumpy old men! Always had a fondness for them.
~Lisa Co9T

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!! What is Perry's problem.....can't he see how lovable you are???? xxxxxxx

Raymond and Busby said...

Noir, we think you should just cuddle up to that Perry every chance you get. He'll loosen up sooner or later.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Some cats are just slow to warm up. It took me six months to iike the Woman...

JC said...

Awe ....

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We were excited to see that you were both on the same bed!

Anonymous said...

One of these days, we think Perry will cave.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Don't stop trying Noir...I bet he gives in one day!!

Cats in Trees said...

Aaah. He has trouble expressing his true feelings. Don't mind that, Noir, it's just his tough cat act.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

HA! Perry doesn't have ANY feelings showing feelings to Tommy. He curls on her shoulder, while she's trying to snore--or on her other pillow--like he keeps guard or something....

The Island Cats said...

That Perry is one tough cat! But we bet he's a big softie inside!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm not buying it, Perry really does like Tommy I bet.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Wow-WEE! I made such a typo up above! What I meant to SAY--is Perry LOVES him some Tommy. He has NO problem showing HER the love. Meows after her. Curls. I think he wishes it was him and her.

Well, it ain't.

So Perry is just gonna make his spot as we get ready for American Idol!


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Perry sure is a hard nut to crack.

Quill and Greyson said...

I hope you kitties can work it out.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Hmm. Mommy seems to think we can. And Heaven knows Tommy follows us around with that camera lookin' just for THAT Kodak moment!!

kissa-bull said...

WE luv you
we send you extra pibble sugars just for you
and just a LITTLE for mean ol ancient perry
pibble sugars and wee wags
the houston pittie pack

Cliff and Olivia said...

That was rather tough. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.