Cranky Ol Sour Puss Perry is the ManCat for this Monday. Tommy really loves him. I don't. She says Perry is her Baby One. Whatever THAT means. So I figured, why not make her happy and get him off my back? Showcase Perry, so then he won't bother me for awhile. Perry threatens to write on here. He is SO long winded. Tommy doesn't seem to care. I guess it is to show us he's king around here. At least in Perry's mind, he's king and to him, that's all that matters.
Perry, it's good to be king!
I kicked that kid away from this thing. You got it, Creek Cats...Hakuna Matata! The Lion King is still my all time favorite film!
Perry (Not Cranky, just true)
King of his own territory...his mind! Well, if it works, let him go for it.
Perry says he's been with Tommy the longest and knows her best. Maybe. If her doesn't like us so much why is always asleep on the bed with us?
Well....looks like I did a shoulda been: "If he (not her) doesn't like us so much...."
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