The day my babies were born.
Hello all. This is Edie (aka Mommy). My son Noir has told you the 12th is his birthday. Well, yes, yes it is. Noir doesn't remember, but I sure do. Just wanted to share some with you on this special day.
That morning, I knew I was very close. Poor Tommy. She was in such denial I even had babies inside of me. I was so small, and runt like, Tommy thought I'd finally gained a couple pounds. I didn't bulge on my sides--well, I really think Tommy knew, but didn't want to know. And felt more guilt she didn't get us nip/tucked (I like that TV show and think it fits).
Anyway, that morning, I didn't eat. I hid behind a painting, Tommy had leaning against the wall, on the floor. She asked me if I wanted breakfast. I knew Tommy was worried, but all I did was meow. I was content. I knew my babies would be soon. I wish I could have told Tommy to ease her mind.
During the day, I just relaxed. I did get in a window for a bit. And when Tommy came home, I did greet her. I knew that made Tommy feel better. But I knew--while Tommy watched TV that night, I felt it was time. My babies were about to arrive. I was so excited! I slipped away from everyone, and went to my favorite get-a-away-from everybody-space, UNDER Tommy's bed. When we first moved in, and being kittens ourselves, this was a place we felt real safe until we knew Tommy really did love us. And tonight this was my safe place again.
My first baby boy came and began to cry as I washed him clean. Then my second baby boy arrived. In the midst of all this, I didn't realize Tommy peeked under the bed at us. I heard her say: "Oh wow, we have kittens! It's 8:12 at night, and I have kittens!" I didn't even think Tommy had heard my babies' cries.
I'd only been a Mommy for a little while but I loved it! My baby girl came and I licked them all and loved them as they got their first drops of milk. Tommy just sat on the floor. Silent. She peeked at us again and said, "Babies. What in the world am I gonna do?"
What Tommy did was: she got up and made us a space in her main bathroom. Big enough for our little family. Tommy called it our 'maternity ward'. I could be away from everybody and be with my babies. Then Tommy, who recuperated from from open heart surgery the year before, and wasn't permitted to lift anything the year before, now lifted up her mattress and box springs to reach us. I had nested in the center of the bed.
Tommy had a cat bed, already in the house. The same cat bed, me, Peyton and Max slept in when we first met Tommy. Before we moved in and Tommy had put it outside her front door for us. She thought the neighbors who really had us would take us back. They didn't.
On this night, Tommy handled us like crystal as she put us in the bed. Then Tommy carried us to our maternity ward. My babies cried, but I knew we were safe. Tommy placed us in our maternity ward. She'd already placed food, water, plus a litter box for me there. Tommy said a prayer, to help me and her with my babies. Tommy scratched my chin and told me how a beautiful Mommy I was. Tommy switched on a nightlight, closed the door and let us be.
The next morning, when Tommy checked on us and brought me breakfast, there was a fourth baby! Another boy was there! While the other three ate, the fourth baby snoozed in the corner. Ha! Earl Gray is the same way today. Everybody else can be doing one thing, and Earl Gray does another!
So that's what happened two years ago on this day. My first born son and daughter went to other forever homes, while my other two babies, Noir and Earl Gray are still with me.
I am blessed.
Thank you for reading,
Mommy (aka Edie)
Happy Birthday to all of you!
Edie, you did a fabulous job and look at your boys now!
What a wonderful memory. We were already grown up kitties when we found our forever home with mom. She wishes she had known us as kittens. But she always falls for the teenager kitties.
Oh thank-you so much for bringing back my own happy memories!! I was blessed to be Mom to five healthy litters, and it was a joy to my heart each time. Happiest of Birthdays!
Thank you for reading my story. I think of my other two babies and send birthday purrs to them too. Noir and Earl Gray say Thank YOU too!
Mommy (aka Edie)
Happy Birthday to Noir and Earl Gray! What a sweet story!
Aw, Edie! What a great mom you are! Happy birthday to Noir and Earl Gray!!!
Aww mega happy birfday buddies. That was a very beautiful story :)))I agrees, you is a wonderful momma Miss Edie :)
ps. You also has my mommas grammas name :)
Such a nice story on your kittens.
Thank you all again!
Noir's Mommy (aka Edie)
That is a very sweet story! Thank you for sharing!
Sweet! Happy Birthday!!!!!!
So furry nice. Happy Birthday.
Awwww what a beautiful blog post, Sweet Mommy!! You are indeed truly blessed with your adorable babies and Handsome Noir and Brother Earl Gray are gorgeous adorable mankitties!! Yay!Take care
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