Perry isn't so cranky as he use to be
Granted the two of us don't share any headbonks,
More like Perry bops me on the head or
When I think Perry sits too close to me,
I decide it's better get up and go.
Maybe Perry wants to be be friends-
The bop in the head still tells me otherwise.
Perry talks alot and Tommy seems to like it.
There's something to be said about a silent mancat
Like ME!
Anyway, Perry does and goes anywhere he pleases
Tommy doesn't seem to mind
I guess when you are an antique like Perry
You can do anything!
Perry's 8th birthday is July 4
Firecracker, indeed.

at least you and Perry can be in the same room! Somecats don't ever achieve that!
I think you each other well. We have a grandbean with a birthday on the 4h July too..
Hugs GJ x
Ahh...yes, the same room...sometimes it's a bit trying. Perry will just stare at me and not budge. I do. He just knows he's King of this jungle. I'm the heir apparent.
Sometimes it's tough being the youngest child. Pixie takes care of that by being the troublemaker and picking on all the older cats! MOL
Purrs and hugs, and stay cool in this heat, young one!
The Kitty Krew
You are doing ok! You get along better than I do with some of the kitties here! I fight with my sister Spooky. Mom thinks I am jealous cause she is so pretty!
You are a very handsome cat Noir, beautiful eyes. You also have lots of friends. I don't have any friends living in my house but my human tells me all about her children's cats and her grandchildren's cats. Seems once you have cats in the family it carries on in the genes; they just can't live without us!
My human says "never trust a person who doesn't like cats!" I think she's right don't you?
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