February 28, 2010

Easy Sunday Shadow

My Daddy Peyton perches on our (not on right now) washer
To show how to take it so
Just easy on a Sunday morning
And thru the rest of the day too-
With even a little bit o' help from his shadow!


Sultan said...

God I miss the sun!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Your shadow should help Sunday or any day be bright and peaceful

JC said...

I like your Dad's shadow ^,,^

Raymond and Busby said...

We like to jump up on the dryer, the washing machine freaks us out. We love this photo! Happy Sunday friends!

The Island Cats said...

I like to lay on top of the dryer...'specially when it's running...oh so warm!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Boy do you look comfy...and happy too!

Lorenza said...

Have a great, sunny and relaxed Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Kea said...

You do look comfy! Plus you can pretend to be helping to do the laundry. :-)

Old Kitty said...


Noir, you poet you!

You are very lucky to have such a wise and easy going daddy. Plus you get half your good looks from him too! Your other half comes from your sweet Mummy!

Hakuna Mutata!

Take care

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Daddy Peyton takes photo shoots in stride. Tommy thought it was cool to see Daddy's shadow--gotta give my human SOME credit--and got the shot! Glad you liked it. Now, I'm gonna take his place...


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is some wonderful sun shining on your Daddy Peyton.

Pearl said...

Cute kitty!

Liza "Bean" Bitey of the Minneapolis Biteys and Dolly Gee Squeakers, formerly of the Humane Society Squeakers, say "hi"!


p.s. not an advertisement really but I have a whole section of my blog filed under "The Cats Have a Secret Life" wherein I specifically address Liza's life as a jewel thief, her late-night calls in the bathroom with the water running, and the drunken fight she had at a sushi restaurant while celebrating her birthday. Who knew cats could be so expensive?!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Such a handsome daddy, we see where you get your amazing looks from my friend!