Tommy and Me are sad.
One of our sweet human chums, who lives faraway in England,
Said good bye to The Cat today, who was 17 years and 8 months old.
Grand life by any measure, yet doesn't make this time any easier.
Please send some purrs and prayers and bowwows to Old Kitty at
And let the ones you love know you love them.
We are so sorry to hear about the loss of your furriend. We will go pay our respects.
She'll like that. Thank you!
We are sorry to hear about your friend and send purrs to her Mom
We're sorry to learn about the loss of your friend. We went by to leave a message. Purrs and tail wags.
Purrs to them. We shall go and pay our respects also.
We follow her blog, are deeply saddened that Cat has passed. We know she's at peace now and running free, but still it's so hard for those left behind.
Thanks for letting us know. That is so sad. At least she will be happy up in Cat heaven.
We're sorry to hear about Cat. She lived a long life...but it's still never easy to lose a furbaby...
Thanks for telling, we hadn't heard the sad news. We just went to send some love.
Thank you ALL!!
I have been reading Old Kitty's blog for a while. It is so sad to see her go. She was a very strong girl. My kitties are purring for her mom.
Thank you for letting us know, Noir.
She was a wonderful, spirited girl.
KC made a memorial graphic for the Cat Blogosphere and we left a comment on her blog.
Love & Purrs,
KC & Mom ML
Ahh! That is so wonderful of you! I know she'll feel better. I went over and saw the graphic on Cat Blogosphere--so nice. Thank you!
We just went over and left a comment. You are a dear friend.
Hey handsome Noir and beautiful Tommy
Thank you for remembering my tough ol girl so sweetly and so thoughtfully.
Her ol heart used to flutter at the sight of your perfect pic, Noir and she would always ask me why I wasn't more like that nice Lady Tommy who gets colourful quilts for her furry family to sleep on instead of the boring brown cushions that I gave her.
Take care
We are very sad that ol' girl has gone to the Bridge. We will go and tell her mum we are thinking of her.
I'm glad you stopped by, every single one of you and stopped by to see Old Kitty. I'm blessed she stopped by too!
Thank you for letting us know. We know hor hard it id for Old Kitty now.
That is sad about The Cat. It is always hard to lose a furry friend.
RIP Special kitty.
I am so sorry to read this news. It's so hard to lose a furry friend, especially after such a long time together.
I am so is so unbearable when they leave us.
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