April 11, 2010

Just Easy Like Sunday

Tommy says I look like a 'cat loaf' --
And then she laughs!
Since I l like Tommy's laugh, she'll get away with it...this time...
Anymew, I kept Tommy company while she toiled on the PC-
Even if I take it all just easy like a Sunday should be-
I'm a cat. That's how I roll.


Old Kitty said...

Awww all you need is gravy and maybe some potatoes, brussel sprouts and a few onions...

And you'll still look yummy and very tasty!


Take care

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think you look purrfectly comfy!

Raymond and Busby said...

We loaf around here all the time! Have a great Sunday friends!

Cats in Trees said...

Loaf is not what we think of when we see a glorious cat like you. Tommy's laugh must be very sweet. :-)

Sultan said...

I always envy how a feline can sleep so well.

Noll's Nip said...

"Cat loaf!" That's pretty funny!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Nothing wrong with being a loaf, especially when you are such a handsome loaf.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

So long as they don't put me in a roaster and cook me up for dinner I'm fine with being a cat roast...

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

HA! I'm so with you--no roaster pan for me! Tommy did school work again--TODAY--she says she's gotta come with a better plan so she can go to more blogs...yea, cuz she ain't making me happy!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy loafin'!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Your Tommy is right! But you do look like a comfy loaf!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are so good to Tommy to loaf around with her!