Come on now-
Be honest...
Especially the humans
Snoopin' over shoulders of
Kitties and Puppies who are
Tendin' to blogs-
Can a Saturday
Really be any better
Than a gorgeous
Sun riped day
With an open window
Decorated with cats?
Even if one of them cats is
Sorta Cranky Ol Perry?
I think not!
Looks perfect over there!
Cats make any scene better! Hey Noir, Sister Sascha says smooch!!!
Everything is better with Cats!
Tommy just got back and said she had a chat with a man in the Cat Connection store--he was buying a food called "Felidade" something like that--for his 'babies'--2 girl Maine Coons. He told Tommy they're not spoiled and they know they shouldn't be on the counters---so Tommy said, "I bet they're on the counter top NOW!"
Me and Charlie can't think of anything better than this lovely scenario - especially with the delectable Perry!
Take care
We have thought long and hard about this, but we couldn't come up with anything that is better. Enjoy your weekend.
window sitting is the best!
I agree, but apparently the humans here did not - they spent the day NOT here! They should have hung out at home with us instead.
It looks like perfection to us!!
Happy Mothers Day to your mummy and Tommy!!!
That is great to sit and stare out a window! Mom calls us window dressing!
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