This particular time Tommy
Wasn't really into any outside games that particular day...
Doing stuff, Tommy said--so "later" she told Mommy...
So Mommy sat and sat at our front door
Looking not too pleased.
I don't think Mommy purred for the rest of the day!
I bet Tommy wasn't too pleased about that!
That's totally wrong! We can understand why you were ticked off!
Awww poor sweet Mommy! :-) She does look grumpy doesn't she? Nevermind, I hope you gave her a nice big cuddle to cheer her up Handsome Noir! :-)
Sometimes Tommy has other stuff to do too - but hopefully not all the time!
Take care
Tommy tried to explain to Mommy...Mommy wasn't havin' it.
Oh-oh... waving away the bad moods and giving you lots of cheer. Hugs to all of you.
I sure do hope all gets better for your mood! You're too sweet to be grumpy!
Maybe next time ...
Poor Mommy! we are sorry that you did not get to go outside!
Yep, Mommy looks a little bit hissed off.
She does not look happy. Nor would I!
Mommy's can get something into their head and its hard to convince them otherwise. It's a Mommy thing, I think.
~Lisa Co9T
oh dear, poor mommy! she doesn't look happy at all!
aw, she just wants the grass!
Ohoh. Tommy is in trouble. Upsetting the mommy is never a good idea.
Ohhhh, poor Mommy. Tommy should know better than to put her own stuff ahead of Mommy (or any of you!). Did Mommy poop on her pillow, we hope, to show her who's the boss??
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Yep, Mommy looks quite hissed off!
It's 6:05 PM as I type with one claw--Mommy and Uncle and Perry went out side and chomped grass tonight. So Mommy is happy. Perry and Uncle are ticked at each other--they paw jabbed each other over the grass...Tommy did not have her camera--she was afraid if she ran inside to get it--both man cats would jump the fence...I, of course, stayed inside, to guard our cluttered, cat filled house.
Hurrah! Mommy got Out to eat grass! Don't forget to yak it up in an obvious spot...
It is good that mommie got to get outside! She sure looks mad, mad, mad!!!
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