After a fun Christmas, even if the Dallas Cowboys got
A lump of Arizona coal in their stocking Christmas Night...
The Day After just happens to still be a Sunday-
And deserves some take easy--
Even if Tommy is a grinch
To not give us a nibble of
Sugar cookie!
It is a good day to stay warm and take it easy!
Awwww me and Charlie hope lovely Tommy gets to give you gorgeous kitties a nibble of sugar cookies!!!! Have a lovely Sunday gorgeous Daddy Peyton, Handsome Noir, Brother Earl Gray, Sweet Mommy, Uncle MaxxMax and angel Perry! Take care
The day after is always a good day to rest--particularly in a box so that you celebrate boxing day right!
Maybe you had so many nibbles on Christmas Day that Tommy thought sugar cookies would be just too much.
Tommy knows best, dudes and dudettes. Sugar cookies aren't very good for cats. We're chillin' here in Cali too.
Snoozin' is the Sunday thing to do. The Baby says she LOVES sugar cookies...and cereal, and crackers, and donuts...we call her Carbo Cat!
Tommy is now watching "Cupcake Wars". I dunno why. I've never seen a cupcake in our house...EVER.
Bring on the sugar cookie!
Merry Christmas from our house to yours!
The Creek Cats and Maggie May
If your human knew how to do the holidays up right, she would not have had sugar cookies at all - she would have made salmon cookies just for you kitties!
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