January 31, 2011

Man Cat Before Super Bowl Monday

Hoopla is in full swing for the Big Game.
Tommy wishes traffic and humans would prevent her
From getting to work. Even tho the Big Game is about
15 miles from us--it's the OTHER way from her work.
Anymew, Aaron Rodgers and his Back Up Band
--that's the Green Bay Packers--are staying in our surburb.
Brother Earl Gray kinda takes it all in stride..
A man cat til the end...


Old Kitty said...

Awww sweet Brother Earl Gray is very excited about the game! Yes he is!:-) take care

The Monkeys said...

We think the game is going to be very exciting!

Katnip Lounge said...

That's how we Cats here feel, too.

Mommy, well, she's another story...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It looks like Earl Gray is saving his energy for the big game.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Earl Gray is resting up for a party and the big game!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

I have a feelin' everybody, except for Tommy will be looking like that duringh the Big Game!


Us4 Cats said...

we are not a sports watchn family (stop glarring) but we think your photos is ADORABLE !!!

we make up our own sports round here- like wild kingdom chase marathon. not the same . we know.

our beans just dont watch da sports. so while we watching Criminal Minds or LMN y'all have fun and enjoy your shows too : )

The Island Cats said...

Not much else to do, Earl Gray, until that big game starts...

Raymond and Busby said...

We keep missing you guys during the day because of Mom's new stupid job. Well, it's not really a stupid job but it's making us not be able to visit as much as we'd like. Hi friends!