OK. There's ice and cold here in Dallas.
Some schools are closed.
Tommy was sleep flat on her back
And I was curled, snoozin' on her belleh
Well, Tommy decides she MUST get up-
Cuz her work ain't cancelled...Really?
Don't employers realize how important the comfort of a cat is...?
Noir, we're sorry your Tommy had to get up and go this morning. Just remember, she has to go work to earn green papers to buy you foodables.
Oh booo to Tommy's employers!!! And please tell Tommy to take care and be extra safe please!!!
Me and Charlie hope you all be safe and warm too!! Take care
Not fair! Tommy should be allowed to stay home and keep you snuggly.
We think everything should be cancelled when it's cold outside!
Tell Tommy to please take care! We know you're not used to that kind of weather, so probably municipalities don't have salt trucks, etc. Be safe!
We hope Tommy's boss will let her off early so she can come home and give you extra snuggles which are required by law on snowy days.
THat is the one thing Mom does not miss about working. Having to get out in the ice and snow!
Well. Tommy's work is a poopyhead.
Have Tommy be careful out in that snow and cold.
Stay warm, pals.
pawhugs, Max
Employers can be so thoughtless..
Humans don't understand that there's a law against moving once a cat has settled on their tummies! Our Man says he has to go sometimes to earn money for cat food... we guess that's ok ;-)
Yup. There is still some snow here too!
Luf, Us
Tommy says she can read everybody's comments at work, but can't comment back. She says she's gotta admit she laughed out loud at a couple of em...any snow I think is gone. Yet tonight--it's gonna be colder, so Tommy will need our fur lots....cut off circulation--here we come!
Stay Safe , Tommy !
Employers are so insensitive!!
I think there needs to be some sort of new corporate rules laid out to put cats in priority positions.
BTW, I got your postcards today - thank you! :)
Well, Tommy says we do need eatibles--so she did go, and will go tomorrow. Tommy is back in school and toiled all night at the PC...I ain't feeling none of that. We all kept her company, then got bored and left the room.
They don't sound like very responsible employers!
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