Gotta be honest. Kinda hissed off at Tommy
She closed down the PC when she went to work this morn--
Tommy kept mutterin' something about ME wantin' to buy
A Nook from Barnes and Nobles.
They gotta Nook. I gotta Nook...simpatico!
Tommy ain't feelin' none of that. Alas I had to wait til
Her ppresence made tracks thru dust on the floor again..
And ya know I'm kinda glad I DID wait...
Why? Cuz I realized Tommy finally told me something
That's REALLY happenin'!
Hence my look of surprise...
See, Tommy said once Dec 21 passed, our days would
Get longer. Didn't see any change, and frankly this tidbit
Came from a human who thinks A & W Onion Rings oughta be
The 8th Wonder of the World...I digress.
Well, tonight, I saw the day was lighter longer
Not midnight black at 5:45 PM anymore. Made it til bout 6:15
Tommy was right!
Don't tell I said so, then Tommy will astound
ME with her knowledge in naming each capital city in all 50 states!
She so needs to get out more...Humans!
You are right Noir, we noticed it last night. Not tonight though because it rained all day.
It's really is dark now...and I wish Tommy would crank UP the heat. I gotta a coat and all, but come ON!
I keep waiting for the days to get longer too but I am not sure they are...
You know are right! Thanks for pointing it out.
Um, Mommy says Tommy is right about the onion rings...whatever.
mmm, onion rings...
Well, it was gray all day today here, so it was too dark for my taste from the get-go this morning. But hopefully, when the sun eventually comes out, we'll be getting it for longer!
We will just be plenty happy when the snow goes away!!!
Awwww lovely Noir!! Look at your handsome face of astonishment!!! Yay that fab Tommy could still surprise you!! She's not just a pretty face you know!:-)
Take care
Cute post Noir! Those beans are quite difficult to understand. We notices the days getting longer too.
We noticed that too, but that pesky winter is still here!
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