With Tommy's new glasses.
Bifocals, she says, thru her tears.
Tommy keeps blubbering how she just is
Not ready for bifocals as I paw her a tissue.
Glasses suppose to help Tommy see better.
Since Tommy doesn't seem to be seeing
How cute we really are,hence not upping the
Treat count--Bifocals ain't doing what they should.
Take em back.
Yeah, I agree, Noir - glasses are useless if they don't end up in you getting more treats.
I find I make out better in the treat department when Glogirly can't see clearly. I say ditch the glasses!
; )
All humans are so silly about bifocals! We don't care, just so then can see us!
Tell Tommy it's cool to have glasses. Of course the most impawtant thing for her to see is YOU!
Awwwww bet Tommy looks just gorgeous with her glasses! Take care
So the cat phrase, "The better to see and give treats with" is just not-so-clever marketing? *putting on Grumpy Cat frown*
Tell Tommy not to blubber too much...the mom wears bifocal contacts!
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