As ME and Uncle MaxMaxx chowed breakfast this morn-
I told Uncle how my 1st Bloggerversary
Is just minutes, moments and days away!
Uncle MaxMaxx stopped in mid chomp. Looked at me.
Swallowed. Licked crumbs from his chops.
Looked at me more. Blinked and then
Ahh. No matter the time or day of his any reaction-
Uncle MaxMaxx is still a grand (aka big boned) star in my sky!
Aha, Uncle MaxMaxx is impressed, we can tell. And so he should be. Just nine more days...
Uncle is a cat among cats.... :)
Your Uncle was burping because he is so proud of you! We look forward to your blogoversary!
Burped cause he's proud? Really? I just figured Uncle ate too fast...
MOL Dat is so funny! We hope it smelled gud too?
Happy Bloggerversary...
I'm so glad I found you. Always look forward to what you've been doing.
** still trying to find a home for Beau Beau & Noni Noni. please stop by my blog & post about them on yours **
We heard burping is a sign of appreciation, so he must be letting you know that he appreciates that your blogoversary is a very important day.
Well that is great about your blogoversary. Uncle Maxx sure has his unique was of expressing opinions.
We think he just couldn't find the right words so he gave you a big burp of satisfaction.
Happy Blogoversary! I think that calls for a ham!!!
HAM!?!??! Hmm. YUM is what I say!!
Happy Blogaversary!! I am a lovely feminine Tortie with some Tortitude I admit. I rule my home with a velvet paw.
Iwould love to learn to burp. Can he show me?
The Admiral
It is hard to follow that reaction! We know MaxMax means well!
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