The 10 is 10 days to my 1st anniversary of Noir's Nook aka MY blog! Tommy's amazed cause I stuck with my blog bout everyday. Me too. Just cause the way Tommy hogs the PC. Then those times I worried if Tommy didn't pay the bill to KEEP the PC on! You know how humans can SO forgetful to do stuff.
Anyhoo, in those those early blog days, I may have , sometimes, done a couple posts in day. So many things on my mind I wanted to share! And I couldn't wait to make new friends!
And I still do and I have!
So in 10 days I celebrate my blog and ALL of you for becoming my purr-fect pals!
In the meantime, it IS Friday. The weekend. Friskies Party Mix, clean litter boxes and freakin' out Tommy when she she opens the door to the waterfall she stands under each morning and sees me there--when Tommy just KNOWS she shut her own litter box door, before got under said waterfall....
OHHH!!! Look at the baby you!!! Mummy is melting from the cute!!
We all send congrats and we're glad you blog. we love your photos and stories.
Nice job.
We love you and your blog Noir!!
We are very excited to help you celebrate you blogoversary in 10 days!
I love your Blog!
The baby photo of u is squeeee!
Hmm...aren't my ears kinda big in my ittybittykitty picture? Looks like I could fly away with one good air gust...
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Wow, we are very excited about your blogaversary, Noir! It's been awesome getting to know you and your family!
Awwwwww, I love the photo of you as a little cutie kittie, now you are a lovely grown kittie. Are you planning a Blogaversary Party?
Ohhh congratulations almost a year! Thats a big stepping stone I hope I'm just like you and can keep up almost everyday for a whole year!
Noir you are so funny water fall LOL
Madi loves to sit on the bath mat each morning while her Dad showers. They have a morning ritual pretty funny. She makes us Smile at least 100 times a day, as I'm sure you do too.
Madi and Mom
Ah, the baby Noir! What a cutie boy. Busby and I love your pink nose. We wish we had pink noses.
xo, Raymond
You got a busy weekend planned!! We can't wait to celebrate your blogoversary too!
Awww, Baby Noir!!! You are such a handsome ManCat now!
Oh just look at baby you..You were just adorable.. You are very handsome now.. HUgs GJ xx
We love your blog. We sure hope you keep up with it. We know we have made so many awesome friends since mom has been doing her blogging..
We are so proud of you...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We can't wait for 10 days to party!
Aww cute baby photo! The first year has gone by so fast. We will be here to help you celebrate on yout first blogoversary.
Thanks for all stopping by! I can't believe it's been almost a whole year either!! And Tommy can't believe I was ever that ittybitty either!
Thanks for liking the photos and your kind words.
We love your blog, you do a perfectly wonderful job.
Mom is squealing over Baby Noir! Concats
Good job with your blog!
I will be celebrating with you your Blogoversary!
Kisses and hugs
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