December 17, 2009

Tabby Thoughts

Perry and ME!
Can you believe it? Yep, neither could Tommy-
In fact Tommy almost started to do that dance she only
Does on Friday as she spotted Perry and ME
All so up close and personal, alas realized it's just Thursday...
No matter tho. Tommy still got this great photo
Of our savannah's true Tiger King and the heir apparent...ME!
Life is SO good.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is wonderful! Perry is such a good looking strong mancat. You have big shoes , paws, to fill.

Lisa Kolosey said...

The art of snoozing is very important training for the heir apparent. I see you take your studies seriously as well. Perry must be so proud. Well done, Noir!
~Lisa Co9T

Anonymous said...

That is so great you are both getting cozy together!!! Mom ges all weirded too when anyone lays by Skeeter. See, Skeeter only likes mom and that's it!

JC said...

That is a lovely photo ...
I rarely get a shot of any of my Purr Gang together ...

Ho Ho Ho ^,,^

Raymond and Busby said...

Sweet photo! You know that Santa is watching.

Cats in trees said...

You make an awesome duo.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

US awesome? This photo proves Perry ain't always as cranky as he pretends to be...I showed him I wasn't that scared of him!! :)

Quill and Greyson said...

You're practically touching!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

I know...I know! That's why Tommy almost broke out into her So I Think I Can Dance Mode...she's not seen us close since. What difference a day or two makes... :)

The Monkeys said...

You two are so gonna be BFFs soon!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Lock up the girl cats, the two of you are too hot!!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Hmm. Perry's too old for any girlcat to think HE's hot..on the other hand, with ME....