Tommy is kinda starting to do that dance she
Only does on Friday and chants "Almost!"
While Mommy and Uncle MaxMaxx really
steal the scene today-
Amazed how close they still are-
Just like kittens-even with Uncle being
so 'big boned'-rompin' and runnin' and all
Like to see them together.
I hope my Brother Earl Gray and ME will
Always be that close.
On this day you get 2 Tuxedo Tabbies
For the price of one!
Bargain if there ever was one!
I love Mommy and Uncle MaxMaxx
Your cats are so cute! :D
Thank you much!! I like em too!
I did not realize how much they looked alike! They are beautiful.
Doublemint twins.
I think 2 for the price of 1 is a great deal!
Aw, pretty kitties! :) Nice pic of the twofer.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy
Wow, I didn't realize how much alike they look!!So sweet!
Ha! I like the 'doublemint twins' comment! Thank you for liking my Uncle and Mommy. By the way, Uncle is the "big boned" mancat on the left!
That is a wonderful bargain!!! We like that 'doublemint twins' comment too!
Such good-looking tuxies!
We came by to catch up on your posts.
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