February 23, 2010

No Go

Bummed. Yep. The Weather Humans said snow would be here
Upon on our wake up.
Tommy was all set to snap photos of our snow dusted yard-yet NO GO!
Maybe later on this morning, the Weather Humans say- 
But Tommy will be at her daily ritual of abandonment of us by then...
Oh well. 

I'll scrunch up to my bestest girl: MOMMY! OK, yea, Mommy was perched first. See, I decided her space was also MINE. Mommy doesn't look that happy-but I AM her baby, right..?
So in the meantime, as I wait for snow-I'll take in some blogs.... :)


My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Noir no Mom doesn't look happy.....me thinkst once you are grown all bets are off with her being Mom and allowing you to take over.
It is every cat for itself.

We are expecting rain mixed with snow tomorrow but no accumulation....they say....at least it will be in the 40's.
Madi and Mom

Old Kitty said...

Awww Noir - I can't stop myself from looking into your beautiful perfectly round eyes and getting extremely hypnotised!


Anyway - snow is so COLD Noir! Mebbe you're much better off snuggling up to your bestest mum in the whole wide world even if she's giving you that same look Uncle MaxMaxx gave poor Brother Earl Gray yesterday...

I hope mummy Tommy returns soon to a "snow-dusted yard" (awww what a poet!). And yes that YOU at the end of that arrow!


Lisa Kolosey said...

Hello Mr Handsome! So lovely to see your pretty eyes this morning. We've got no snow either, go figure as we are up in Maine. There is snow to the south and snow to the west (east is the ocean), but no snow here. Cheesh!
But that's okay cause we look into your eyes and are in wonderland :).
~Lisa Co9T

Kea said...

You can have some of our snow. We got a wet and messy mix of snow and rain overnight, so it's pretty sloppy out now. Feel free to take it all away!

P.S. Our human loves your pink nose and big eyes. She wants to give you kitty kisses. Huh. What's wrong with us? We have lovely noses and eyes too!

Cliff and Olivia said...

You have the cutest face! We love your big green eyes. We bet you can get away with anything ;-)

You're waiting for snow? You can have ours. It's been snowing on and of for three months now, so we're getting pretty tired of it.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Wow--you guys are saying the COOLEST things!!! And to think I didn't like my big ol' round eyes for the longest times! THANKS!!

As for the snow--we got about 10 flakes--so far--and it stopped.


JC said...

You look so cute sitting next to your Mom ^,,^

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are lucky to be waiting for snow. We haven't gotten any at all this year (hardly at all even in the mountains!) They have more at the Olympics than we have here! Sigh.

You are so cute to have another cat to cuddle with--even if they aren't happy about it.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh no, not more snow!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You look all cuddly and precious together. Do you really want snow? We've seen so much of it here that we are done!

Cats in Trees said...

We are sure Mommy is very happy to have you with her. Maybe she was hoping for snow too?


Oh you do have the cutest round gorgeous eyes!
Did the snow finally arrive?

purry purrs

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Said it before, say it again - mummy cuddles are the BEST!!

The Island Cats said...

We'd love to send you our snow! We've had enough and we're tired of it...we're ready for spring!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely photo showing off your eyes Noir.

GLOGIRLY said...

We've got plenty of snow here... want some?! hehe
You two are looking particularly cute today. I know, I know... it comes natural to us cats.

Thank you soooo much for visiting my blog during the Cat-O-Lympics! It was a great week for sure. I've already started training for the next games... Power Napping!

(Glogirly's Olympian Cat)

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

No go on the SNOW. We had about 10 snowflakes...they're gone. Mommy let me stay curled. I know I'm her favorite!

Thanks for liking the picture!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom did not even see 10 snow flakes! We felt cheated, too! love you and Mommy reading your blog!

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom sends chin scritches!!