February 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

My Mommy & Uncle MaxMaxx
Always side by side
Just how it should me.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

They are so cute snuggling together.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You should get in for some of those cuddles!

Old Kitty said...


Aren't they just adorable? What a pair of cutie snoozies bubble gum fluffies with sweet little pawsies and pink nosies!


Take care

Kea said...

They are *so* sweet, snuggled up like that. Great photo! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a cuddly picture! <3

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

They are so brother and sister. Uncle huddles close to Mommy just like when there were itty bitty kitties, Tommy says. Before they moved in, the people that had them let em run around outside--and they found Tommy's upstairs porch. Tommy says she remember she put out a cat bed for them, and while Mommy and Daddy Peyton were in it, Uncle stayed right beside it--kept guard--just like he does today. I love them!

My Mind's Eye said...

True love and admiration radiates from the sleeping kitties.....there is nothing more precious than a kitty in a totally peaceful sleep.....yawn...now we're sleepy.
Madi and Mom

The Monkeys said...

You two look like twins!

Anonymous said...

wow, what a nice picture. you can tell they's verreh related. it is so nice to have the snuggles with the relaties.

Raymond and Busby said...

That's a lovely snuggly picture!

Lisa Kolosey said...

What a great family photo!
~Lisa Co9T

Admiral Hestorb said...

They are so snuggly and pretty...warm and purry and just exactly right.

Snowy and Crystal said...

Such a sweet p ic :)

wet licks

JC said...

Love ^,,^

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

They look ever so happy Noir! I am so happy you have such a close family!!!


PeeEss...It SNOWED in Austin yesterday!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Brother or sisterly love is so sweet!

Jasmim said...

have sweet dreams!


The family that snuggles together stays together...

purry purrs

The Kitty Krew said...

Awwwww....they look so adorable cuddling together! You have a wonderful family, Noir.

Maybe more snow next time? (We hope not! We're tired of winter!)

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Rusty said...

Awww, you guys look so sweet and comfy there together.

Cats in Trees said...

We're purring just from seeing them together like that.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's so sweet, I love it!

The Florida Furkids said...

AWWW that's adorable!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

The purrfect pair!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Mommy and Uncle ARE such the purr-fect pair! He takes care of her so, and Mommy takes care of the rest of us!


Thanks for stopping by!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

They are so sweet snuggled together.

kissa-bull said...

i definately see room for about . . .. 4 pibbles between you guys
pibble sugars for you
the houston pittie pack