In on Uncle MaxMaxx's try of to get comfy cozy in a chair moment-
Needless to say Uncle did NOT feel it! So LOOKee what we have here:
Uncle MaxMaxx kinda fuzzy cuz he plopped up (or 'on'?) Brother and decided to bathe-
Brother gasped for air and uttered: "Wide Load!"
Uncle cared not as just kept on with his bath...
So, I guess Brother Earl Gray decided to render unconciousness or
Face fat fact, Uncle MaxMaxx ain't movin'!
Tuxie turn about is fair play, right? Maybe so....
HAHAHA!!! Good job Uncle!!! We didn't even see Earl Grey in the first photo!! (mummy is laughing her head off)
Poor Brother Earl Gray. Noir!! You must really give him a big cuddle, oh yes you must, you must!!
And what's all this about "Wide Load"? Uncle MaxMaxx is just big-boned is what he is! A big-boned cutie pumpkin pumpernickle poppyseed cake precious perfect popsicle is what he is.
Take care
Yea, Brother didn't really know what to do when Uncle decided to use him as a pink nosed pillow.... :)
Haha! So cute! That face is priceless
Hahahahaha! We love it! Try not to suffocate him, okay? :-D
Hahahhahaaaahhhhaaaaa! I love it! Alfie Marshall is a "wide load" too! 'Cos I said so!
Milo x
Oh-Oh... he's smashed there behind you. Great pictures....
*nosetaps* to you and the one you are suffocating behind you. HEE HEE
Earl is getting squished! Raymond does that to me sometimes. Not cool! xo, Busby
Yeah, I figure if you can't rid of them, sit on them...
hehehehe he has exacted revenge!
Y'all are cute no matter which way you're sitting!
I truly did laugh out loud!!! The innocent look on Uncle MaxMaxx's face is priceless. Earl Grey looks like he's just closing his eyes and taking a mancat! Fun-EE!
~Lisa Co9T
Oh Uncle MaxMaxx you are just so cute!
purry purrs
Good work Uncle MaxMaxx. I like to squish Flynn too.
Who would mind the company of uncle MaxMaxx? He is so magnificent.
Uncle told him who is boss!
You guys seem to be liking my Uncle MaxMaxx, ALOT. Hmm. I guess the 'wide load' is a wonder! :)
Uncle MaxMaxx sure isn't moving for nothing! Haha!
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