March 9, 2010

Tuesday Fab Feeties

ME and my Pretty Mommy-
Who doesn't seem to much care how
My feeties are everywhere
Just long as I'm safe, sound and not stealin' cars....

Must be part of the Mommy Cat Manual...


Kea said...

Aw, you two are adorable. Lovely feet!

The Monkeys said...

Your Mommy is right to be happy you're home and safe! Your toesies are adorable!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You and Mommy look very comfy!

Anonymous said...

Awww, yer feet ARE effurywhere! Mommy's are really cool like that!

JC said...

You have a cool Mommy ^,,^

Raymond and Busby said...

Moms are the best! We miss ours. She has a forever home far away from here.

Anonymous said...

well that's what mommehs are for!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Ah your Momma cat loves you! That's what Momma Cats are for!

My Mind's Eye said...

Noir you have a very smart mom!!!
As long as the 'kits' are in her sight all is good.
Madi and Mom

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

If your feet are everywhere, especially in front of her, she can keep an eye on them! It's obvious that she loves you a lot!

Charlemagne and Tamar

Lisa Kolosey said...

Mom's are great like that, aren't they? Of course, it's easy with a good boy like you, Noir.
~Lisa Co9T

Love Meow said...

awww your feet are so adorable :). We are sending purrs and kisses to you two :).

Cats in Trees said...

And why would she mind? You have wonderful feet.

Old Kitty said...

Aww Noir

Mommy Cat Manuals are always to be followed and read every day!

They will make you wise beyond your kitty years! Just look at how zen your Sweet Mommy is letting you rest your kitty paws on her like so!

Take care

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Mommy Zen? She is quite relaxed, huh? I love it when Mommy and Tommy get into their girl who talks more...? :)


PS. Thanks for dropping by!

The Island Cats said...

Noir, your feets are everywhere! Don't kick Mommy, now!

Admiral Hestorb said...

You are the best baby of the best mommy and of course your feeties are fine wherever they are. She doesn't mind at all. That mamacat manual is great!

Cliff and Olivia said...

Looks very comfy. Cute feet!