It's Thursday
And Tommy says once again
How I'm such a "Silly Kitty"
Cuz Tommy wakes up from snoring all night
To find she's slept on a Beanie Baby
Well, maybe several--I AM a GREAT hunter..
Anymew, Tommy knows now why her side hurts...
So I do my best Tickle Me Noir pose...

It makes Tommy laugh
And I like to hear her laugh
Cuz it's ain't as loud as Tommy's snores!
Hee hee!! You've made our mummy laugh too!
You haves a very cute tummy!! We can understand why Tommy laughs!
Purrs to your Tummy!!
Your tummy is very tempting! We think it must be very hard for Tommy to resist!
By hunting down Beanie Babies--Tommy becomes familiar with all these ones she FORGET she ever had!! :) I'm doing her a service!
Oh I can't turn away - I must tickle your sweet tummy and leave you lots of beanie babies!
Poor Tommy - glad you make her laugh though!
Take care
That IS a very tempting tummy! You bet our human wants to tickle--and kiss!--it! :-)
That is a pretty great tummy Noir! We think it's funny that you bring Tommy beanie babies during the night. Have a good Thursday!
That tummy looks temptingly snorgalble!!!
MOL! You were right, we could NOT turn away!
your mommeh snores? what is a SNORE? what does a SNORE sound like?
I think that looks purrfect!
Great tum for sure!!
Our mama says: Tickle, tickle, tickle.
I have a few beanie babies here I'd like to give you if you need more to kill.
Haha! Noir you make us laugh too!
>Gosh!< You LIKE my tum tum tummy! I let Tommy tickle me some. I purr. We're both happy. I'll find more Beanies tonight...
We would find beanies, too if it got us tickles!
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